Buy and Brag #8

January 14, 2010

Welcome.  This is the second part of the Buy and Brag season finale.  The theme of this column is good deals.

The good news, all of this manga was 50% off.  The bad news, WaldenBooks has officially left the Midwestern suburbs.  This place was my gateway into the world of manga.  I used to pick up a volume just about every week at my local Waldens (which closed last year).  Now their Aurora location bit the dust.  I still have Borders to browse, for now, but it’s not the same.

10 Beautiful Assassins vol. 1– Another OEL manga from Seven Seas Entertainment.  Just like their other OEL manga, this is printed in right to left format, which always puzzled me since none of them are Japanese to begin with.

Astr0 Boy: Official Movie Prequel (not pictured):  I didn’t have room in the picture for this one.  And I also forgot.  This was not written by Tezuka, obviously, but rather a full-color comic prequel by IDW Publishing to the CGI animated Astro Boy movie.

Future Diary vol. 4– If you’re into Death Note, you’ll like this one.  It’s basically about this guy who has a cell phone diary that tells him what’s going to happen in the future.  Then he meets other people with similar cell phone diaries who want to kill him and finds out that they’re all playing a sick game to see who will be the next god.

Kurohime vol. 1-2–  I’m somewhat of a big boob fan and Kurohime’s knockers are definitely appealing.  Sex sells huh.

Pokemon Adventures vol. 1-4– ^that was somewhat inappropriate.  Pokemon Adventures was one of the first manga I read 10 odd years ago.  It’s nice to see Viz rerelease it complete and at a cheap price.

Yotsuba&! vol. 3-6–  Everyone’s crazy for Yotsuba&!  I did find the first volume of the ADV release for a couple bucks at a Scholastic Book Fair some time ago and enjoyed it.  It’s very pure.  An example of the joy and wonder a child can bring.

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